Monday, May 21, 2007


It's been a pretty intense last few weeks, hence the lack of awesome writing for your face. I've had two interviews with schools, a full week of training in addition to an MRI, five days of teaching class in the morning, an appointment to determine where I'll receive an epidural, and something else I'm sure I'm forgetting. So, briefly:

Finally got a job. Sports bar 30 miles south of my apartment. Good money though, $7.50/hour plus tips. Take that, Georgia and your low cost of living. Made $100 in three hours, bank.

There's a stupid, wannabe punk-poser half-assed revolutionary bitch in my biology class. She's an 11th grader (by default, not academically) taking a 9th grade class. She's Hispanic. And she draws swastikas on everything. Of course she has a crappy jacket that she safety-pins different patches on advertising punk bands that haven't played together since before she was born. Swastikas on her notes, on her stupid jacket... I'm wondering when I get to say something to her. I doubt it's racially or religiously motivated, I don't think she's smart enough to hate effectively. Most likely someone "underground" from Spin magazine or MTV told her to do it.

I'm about to kill everyone in the education department/school district. How did all these stupid people come into being? I think they spawn from that faceless beast known as Bureaucracy, or as some ancient texts refer to it, The Uglyness of Man.

Speaking of half-assed revolutions, if my riot were going to have a soundtrack, it would have to be Rage Against the Machine. There is no other option. Witness Exhibits A- :
Sleep Now in the Fire music video
Testify music video

And lastly, ask yourself this - what exactly are the benchmarks everyone keeps bitching about?

Read the five benchmarks. These are Fearless Leader's own benchmarks, but he will not approve them if Congress passes the bill. First, the benchmarks are pretty sick - giving foreign corporations first call on Iraqi oil contracts, for starters. Anyway I gotta run and pretend like a give a shit about this class. It's costing me thousands of dollars, I might as well.