Saturday, September 27, 2008

Watching Game Day in Athens (from California)

The fans are LOUD! They're set up in front of Myers Hall and you can barely see the dorm behind the Game Day crew because there must be 75 signs held up. Some great examples:

Terrence Cody Ate My Family
Georgia's Gas Shortage is Actually Bama's Fault
Superman Wears Knowshon Pajamas
Helen Keller's Favorite Color is Knowshon

The Game Day crew is loving the crowd here, as Kirk agrees about the fans' "O-ver-ra-ted" chant regarding USC's puss-out against Oregon State. Kirk and Corso both agreed that UGA should be #1 if they win tonight, saying "It will be a beautiful thing! Georgia Number One!", and the crowd goes wild.

Man, I'm talking about these guys like a damn reality show. Except this one is based on college football, not who can jump on Flava Flav's limp dick the fastest or sing the crappiest version of "Unbreak My Heart".

Two Kingsford charcoal commercials featuring Georgia! Why am I excited? Much love for Rennie Curran - "short but wide, like Uga himself". Hmm... nice braces. Ooh, Curran Sr. offered his entire paycheck to God, and the next week his son gets the Georgia scholarship. Think the fact that God has Mark Richt on speed dial had anything to with that?

I really like the "S-E-C-" chant that has become popular the past few years. It just speaks again to the community and friendliness of the South. You know, all those eXtreme sports that emphasize individual action - motorcross, skateboarding, all that crap - began out here on the West Coast, where everyone is a self-centered douchebag.

3 of the 4 commentators picked Georgia as the best team in the SEC... and then Kirk chose Florida, and the crowd almost charged over barrier. Chris Fowler ducked below the desk and Corso moved to the other side of the desk to distance themselves from Kirk. Dangerous move, Kirk, dangerous move...

Chase Daniel's face looks like a butt. Like in that South Park episode. It's like he's had breast implants in his chin.

A 300-pound athlete frightens me. I couldn't imagine what would happen if a gigantic human like that would do to me. Each player on Alabama's O-line is over 300 pounds. How do you control 1500 pounds? Saban can game plan like no other, I just hope our defense can still stand up after this game. How do you prepare for that? Do you get your scout team to tie sandbags to their backs? And Cody is 6'5", THREE-HUNDRED-SIXTY-FIVE POUNDS, going against our true freshman center. Not good.

Also, I love me some Logan Gray. That guy does whatever the coaches say. "Gray! Go return punts!" "But I'm a quarterback!" "Whatever! Go out there and block Cody!" And hey, someone has a Ely-Kelso jersey out!

America's Vote is 52% for Bama... Uga on the set!!! Kirk picks UGA and is loving on Uga. Corso says he loves Georgia, would live in Athens... and picks Bama!! YES!! A guarentee of a Georgia win from Corso! KNOWSHON, NO PROBLEM!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fond Reminiscences of the UGA - ASU game

The halfway-drunk older guy who spoke to us after the game while chomping a cigar, asking us why we Georgia fans were not running around screaming and looting. My first response was that "We're not jerks", like ASU fans are. He agreed. Then I said, "We should have won bigger. We weren't too impressive." To this he spouted off about being a scholar of college football, and that he wasn't religious but college football was as close to a religion as he would get, and concluded by saying that such a wise statement made his evening, before meandering off again with his cigar. What was that all about?

"Fork 'em Sparky!" while giving people the shocker.

Getting called faggots, assholes, and being told Georgia sucks before the game.

Getting called faggots, assholes, and being told Georgia sucks after the game.

Being told the night before the game that ASU was a famous party school, that they were always in the top 5 party schools in the nation, and that they wore t-shirts that read "We pre-game harder than you party!". By a Waffle House waitress.

Oh god the Waffle House!! Double order hashbrowns, smothered, covered, chunked. Bacon egg and cheese sandwich. They have them in Phoenix, but not L.A.

Walking into a Ruby Tuesday's about four blocks from the stadium around 11:30am on game day and being pleasently surprised that the place was packed with red-and-black-clad Georgia fans.

Asking the first ASU fans that walked in at 2:30pm what the hell their problem, was getting here so late.

Finding our amazing seats one section away from the UGA band, corner end zone, lower level, 20 rows from the sideline. And finding it half-full of Georgia fans.

Screaming "First Down, Georgia!!!" 14 times right into the faces of the middle-aged ASU semifans in the row in front of us during the 2nd quarter, when we scored 21 points.

Igonring the old people behind us telling us to sit down.

Watching the ASU fans empty the stadium... AT HALFTIME. So incredibly lame. Lame! Who does that? Who leaves the fucking HOME GAME STADIUM at halftime?!? Why even bother showing up? That is some weak-ass Pac-10 sauce.

Running along the chain-link fence around the field during half-time to see Uga VII up close and snap a few pictures.

Listening to some 5'2" ASU fan talk trash to us after the game.

Meeting a Georgia fan and his wife at a bar, and talking to them for half an hour about everything from football to how much California and Arizona suck balls. Then ten minutes after they leave, meeting two more Georgia fans, same conversation, and then we realize that they've been looking for their friend all night and Tiffany and I were just talking to him.

The racist, ever-drinking, possibly meth-using, possibly-homosexual redneck poser that was staying a few doors down from us at the America's Best Inn.

Getting drunk-ass phone calls and texts from Alex at 7 am.

Doing the "What's that coming down the tracks?!?" cheer with a bunch of drunk Georgia fans from a second-story balconey above the downtown Tempe bar scene.

Lots more... we took a ton of pictures of just about anything. The desert heat is fucking brutal! We drank 55 ounces of water during the game - never had to use the restroom. You could barely get drunk, the alcohol would evaporate out of your stomach! God it felt great just to talk to some real people. And whoop on the pathetic Pac-0, as they are now known. Too jealous of those going to the black out tomorrow. Go Dawgs!