Monday, August 27, 2007

Remember when playing football was all you thought about?

Roddy White still sucks.

"A Duke University study that appeared in the Archives of Internal Medicine found 184 lost workdays per 100 obese full-time employees versus 14 lost workdays per 100 normal-weight full-time employees." - CNN article

The article mentions that the CDC would like to see an "obesity czar" appointed... I don't think that's the right solution. Why are people fat? Why are so many - 1 out of every 3 people in Mississippi, for example - obese? People don't see a need not to be fat. Shame on you, fatties! Shame on you, fat Americans! I do not find overweight or obesity acceptable. If I am stuck in Iraq with several fat people and I come under attack from Islamo-fascists who want to kill us because we are Americans and love freedom, I will, without hesitation, throw the fat people in the way of any incoming gunfire, IEDs, RPGs, or rocks and immediately grab one of the many guns laying about the place and start shooting the fatties too, hoping to both fool the terrorists into thinking I am one of them and also slaughtering enough long-pig to feed the Middle East for six weeks.

Final argument: LivingXL.
Check and mate.

Hilarious sendup of previous website: here

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