Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Well, I got hired. Tuesday morning Fontana Unified School District gave me a ring a ling ding doo and I accepted before they got past the word "offer". This is sort of validating the last 8 months of my life. No more poorness for me! It'll be nice to actually be doing something with myself too, instead of slinging chicken wings until 2 a.m. However they didn't want to hire me when I first sent my application in, back in August. They had to wait until SEVEN DAYS before the first day of class, including Labor Day. They did this because I'm basically the lowest turtle in the tower and must have been pretty desperate. Because of the short notice I will most likely miss the first few days of class - so I'll have a class, I just can't teach it. There are a multitude of reasons for this: I have to go to some new teacher seminars (tomorrow from 8a - 3p), sign some contracts, blah blah, but most importantly I have to have be tested for tuberculosis - for the second time - and be fingerprinted - electronically - for the THIRD time. Because districts cannot share ANY information, there is this insane redundancy, which is why the tower's collapsed on 9/11, I informed the unfortunate receptionist who scheduled my fingerprinting for 7:50 a.m. on Wednesday Sept. 4th, the day AFTER my class starts. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I hate California.

September first is football day. Check this out: the first games kickoff at noon ET, or 9 a.m. PT. The sports bar I work (soon to be worked) at is opening at 9 a.m. to accommodate the socially inept such as myself. Now here's the great/sad part: Hawaii, a top 25 team, kicks off at midnight ET, or 9 p.m. PT. I could conceivably open and close this restaurant while watching nothing but college football. Hold it - genius idea - the place has free wireless internet! I could do a running update of my day drinking six dollar beers and eating dozens of chicken wings! I AM MIGHTY. David, recent GA transplant, has said he will watch some football with me. I don't know if he's up for the sort of quest I'm talking about, but shit, I'm actually starting to get behind this idea. I'll justify it as my last irresponsible act before becoming a teacher. Sweet.

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