Saturday, September 1, 2007

Post #8

Beer Consumptio: lemme tell you something about Sierra Nevada, Stone Pale Ale, and Newcastle: they are the same fucking beer. That could very well be a result of my drinking 14 pints so far, but more likely it is due to the fact that these three beers rely on overpowering one with "hops" and other fun things Sam Adams commercials have taught me about. With six pints to go I'm holding pretty steady; I'm definitely walking the thick line between drunk and just plain buzzed. Since the UGA game ended in a pretty non-crazy way my beer drinking has slowed somewhat, and also I am a pussy, apparently (at least so says the Ohio State graduate). The next rest of the night is going to be throwing back a few pints and enjoying my last night of irresponsibility! Anybody in the Inland Empire, feel free to stop by Buffalo Wild Wings in Murrieta, just off the 215/15 intersection! Go Dawgs! Auburn is winning 18-13 with 1:53 to go: go SEC!!

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