Thursday, July 16, 2009

Where We're At

So let's see... since returning to Georgia I've been in a movie (Disney Shot Kennedy), accepted a new job as a part-time Biology teacher at Lovett, found an apartment less than a block from the Virginia Highlands, managed to snag a couch, coffee table, chair, desk, bookcase, and bed for free, been hired on a second job as a tutor, seen two great concerts (Ted Leo and Jenny Lewis), started running again, and re-connect with some old friends. Overall I'd give the past seven weeks an B+.

Tomorrow I've been tricked into seeing my first jam-band concert. I have no doubt that the musicians in these bands are tremendously talented. But what draws me to music is the lyrics, not necessarily the music. Not to say I can't appreciate a great musician, but that aspect is secondary to what they are actually saying (and no, nobody "says" anything with a wicked guitar solo or fifteen-minute drum circle. Except orchestral composers, and they do it with infinitely more nuance and one hundred instruments.).

Next week I'll be seeing my second outdoor movie this summer and hopefully moving into my apartment full time. It's got the furniture but needs the place doesn't look like I live in it yet. August 5th is when my training starts in earnest for Lovett, and even though I'm teaching a VERY easy schedule there, I'll still be investing into a deep school culture. Because the school setting is more intimate than Fontana, it'll be that much more apparent to faculty and students alike that I don't "get it" yet. And you can't just plug into that situation, it's something that will take months before I'm assimilated. But at least I'll be one of the swim coaches, so that should help.

My apartment is shaping up to be the best places I've lived. It's one of four units in a 1920's house. It's NOT a cookie cutter apartment. It's NOT in a complex. It IS a three minute walk from 80+ shops, pubs, restaurants, record stores, etc. One of the residents is a TV producer and is gone 8 months of the year. One is a lawyer, and the other is some girl named Katie who drives a Volvo station wagon. The landlord/lady live next door and have a keggerator built into their kitchen island. When I first checked the place out, the landlady and I got to talking and she simply stated that "she and her husband loved beer". Damn straight I'm living next to you.

So I expect to see you a lot down my way. Yeah, you.

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