Friday, May 22, 2009

Beer Two

7:46 Sam Adams Pale Ale claims "the finest English ale hops, slightly roasted specialty malts, hand-selected Fuggles and East Kent Goldings". Am I drinking a Harry Potter book? This is definitely not a magical beer. It tastes like a slightly meatier Coors Light draft. Not something to be proud of, you smug Sam Adams portrait.

7:54 Has Lebron James ever fouled out of a game? I don't think he's ever been called for a charge.

7:59 Every time I see a commercial, the first thing I say to myself is, "Does this make me want to buy/use that product?" Cutting through the bullshit, that's what every advertisement is: USE JIFFY LUBE. SEE TERMINATOR SALVATION. BUY BOUNTY PAPER TOWELS. Some ads have dressed themselves up so much that they eschew any direct reference to the product and instead flash some random scene followed by their product. This worked the first time - now it's just another trick. Best commercial ever.

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